Eighty-Seven & Running was founded in 2015 by Kansas City Chiefs TE #87 Travis Kelce. Their mission is to empower disadvantaged youth to achieve success by providing resources and support to their communities and cultivating their talents in the areas of education, business, athletics, STEM and the arts. They seek to change the outcomes of underserved youth in communities across the U.S. by creating access to opportunities, enrichment and advancement.
Travis Kelce grew up in the diverse suburb of Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The community he grew up in transcended normal economic and cultural boundaries; merging rich and poor, black and white and different religious affiliations into one big melting pot. Because of this he noticed some of his closest friends didn't have the same family structure he was blessed with, and they didn't get to enjoy the same experiences.
Kelce struggled in school, and many of the people he considered role models in the community never came back to support their hometown once they reached success, making Kelce feel obligated to provide opportunities to disadvantaged youth and to help them aspire beyond their current situations. Kelce's passion for changing the plight of youth experiencing adversity is the inspiration behind Eighty-Seven & Running.
Eighty-Seven & Running are working on a project called the Operation Breakthrough Ignition Lab, which will provide a powerful springboard for teens ages 14-18 who live in economically depressed and often violent neighborhoods in Kansas City. The lab will be a safe space for some of Kansas City's most promising teens and propel them toward a bright future to explore their educational and entrepreneurial pursuits.
Find out more on the Eighty-Seven & Running Foundation at: www.87running.org